
Service at the Heart

March 19, 2021 - HighGrounder Amie Meldrum’s son, Darran, is an Airman in the United States Air Force. He has dedicated himself in service to our country. And in 2019, HighGround had the opportunity to serve him as he served us all. 

Darran and his group of airmen were stationed overseas and in need of some provisions. HighGrounders collected and sent funds for those provisions along with letters of encouragement. Upon his recent return, Darran gifted HighGround with this meaningful tribute below on behalf of his squadron. The panel is from one of the jets they serviced, and it has the seals of his squadron and their operation. We are touched by such gratitude for our small act of care, especially in light of their incredible ongoing sacrifice.

One of HighGround’s core values is Servant Hearted. This means: 

  • We serve those who serve. We work with passion each day to forward the work of our client partners. Helping others is at the heart of what we do at the office, but we also encourage service in our team members’ lives with our volunteer policy, which allows HighGrounders to take ten hours for community service each year.
  • We serve those who serve. HighGround works exclusively with nonprofits and charitably minded individuals. Our client partners have dedicated themselves to life-transforming work, and it is our mission to advance their missions. 

When we see Darran’s gift, we will remember his sacrifice and service. We will remember all who serve. And we will remember that HighGround’s calling and privilege is to serve those who serve.